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2009 Election

Message from Jody Wagner and Senator Warner

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We’ve poured every penny we could into our media effort, and I’m glad to report that your grassroots support has allowed us to counter the national money Bill Bolling’s been getting – we’ve been able to buy more broadcast media in Northern Virginia than he has!

Tomorrow is election day, and we’ve marshalled all of our volunteers to cover the polls and make the final push – your help would be an incredible boost. If you can help, please email Tyee Davenport at right away.Read More »Message from Jody Wagner and Senator Warner

Deeds Country

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                                 We spent last weekend at the Hidden Valley B&B in Warm Springs — I don’t think anyone could grow up in… Read More »Deeds Country

24 Hours of (United) Democrats

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Unity Wburg 2009 026Back from Williamsburg after attending the DPVA Steering Committee (Friday night), DPVA State Central Committee (Saturday am), Unity Rally (Saturday noon), and Democratic Black Caucus Juneteenth Dinner (Saturday night).  I’ve never seen Virginia Democrats so united behind their ticket.  50% of Democratic voters had Creigh Deeds as their first choice for governor – – at least 45% had him as their second choice, and that makes it very easy to unify behind Creigh.  He is an experienced, moderate, enthusiastic, and innovative leader who will be a great governor.  Likewise Jody Wagner (Lt. Gov.) and Steve Shannon (Attorney Gen.) have overwhelming support among Virginia Democrats – sometimes statewide tickets have had some tension among the candidates – not this time.  Jody and Steve will help Creigh win and govern.  The State Central Committee featured officer elections, with only one contest, and all with a positive spirit.  (See below.)Read More »24 Hours of (United) Democrats

Vote Wagner & Moran on Tuesday

At last – Tuesday is primary election day – Democrats can vote at their usual polling place, from 6 am to 7 pm.  Check here for your polling place.

Everyone knows that Lt. Governor is an important job – the LG advances the agenda of a Democratic Governor, is the party leader if there isn’t a Democratic Governor, presides over the Senate and breaks ties (important with a 21-19 Senate), and stands ready to assume the Governorship if necessary. Read More »Vote Wagner & Moran on Tuesday

DPVA Central Commitee Election Process Is Underway

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The Democratic Party of Virginia will elect its new Central Committee members next month, so I wanted to provide an update of a prior post on this issue.  The attached PDF, and text below, sets out in question and answer format information about the State Central Committee and the upcoming elections.  Active Virginia Democrats should participate in this process and those who want so serve on the State Central Committee should be out campaigning.

 You can get updates at the DPV Central Committee Site, which also includes the Congressional District Calls to Convention and a complete calendar.   Here is a calendar containing deadlines from the Congressional District Calls to the Conventions.

Congressional District

Convention Date

Prefiling Deadline (SCC)

City & County Caucus Dates


May 2

April 24

Apr. 18 or 20


May 9

April 30



May 16

May 9

Apr. 25 or 27


May 9

May 1

Apr. 25 or 27


May 2

April 23

Apr. 18 or 20


May 16

May 8



May 9

May 1

Apr. 23 or 25


May 16

May 8



May 2

April 27

Apr 18 or 20


May 9

May 1

Apr 18 or 20


May 9

May 1


  SCC Q&A 2009 (204.8 KiB, 1,212 hits)

Read More »DPVA Central Commitee Election Process Is Underway