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DPVA Central Commitee Election Process Is Underway

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The Democratic Party of Virginia will elect its new Central Committee members next month, so I wanted to provide an update of a prior post on this issue.  The attached PDF, and text below, sets out in question and answer format information about the State Central Committee and the upcoming elections.  Active Virginia Democrats should participate in this process and those who want so serve on the State Central Committee should be out campaigning.

 You can get updates at the DPV Central Committee Site, which also includes the Congressional District Calls to Convention and a complete calendar.   Here is a calendar containing deadlines from the Congressional District Calls to the Conventions.

Congressional District

Convention Date

Prefiling Deadline (SCC)

City & County Caucus Dates


May 2

April 24

Apr. 18 or 20


May 9

April 30



May 16

May 9

Apr. 25 or 27


May 9

May 1

Apr. 25 or 27


May 2

April 23

Apr. 18 or 20


May 16

May 8



May 9

May 1

Apr. 23 or 25


May 16

May 8



May 2

April 27

Apr 18 or 20


May 9

May 1

Apr 18 or 20


May 9

May 1


  SCC Q&A 2009 (204.8 KiB, 1,216 hits)

State Central Committee Elections – Spring 2009 – Questions & Answers

 1.         What is the State Central Committee (SCC)?  The SCC is the governing body of the DPVA – it is the state level version of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).  SCC members are responsible for governing the state party, building local organizations, electing Democrats, and advancing the goals of the Democratic Party.

 2.         What documents govern SCC operations?  The primary document is the DPVA Party Plan  (September 2008).   

3.         Who sits on the SCC?  The SCC consists of members of congressional district (CD) committees – 20 are elected from of Virginia’s 11 CDs, and then each committee elects one General Assembly Member and three county/city chair representatives.  The SCC also includes officers, representatives of constituency groups, and members of the DNC (as discussed below).

 4.         How are the CD members elected?  They are elected at district conventions which will be held next month, May 2009.  Delegates to the district conventions may be elected at caucuses held in cities and counties this month (April).  Other districts will hold their caucuses the same day as the district conventions.  Elections occur every four years, in the same year that Virginia elects a Governor.

 5.         Where can I find out more information about my local caucuses and district convention?  DPVA maintains a very useful DPV Central Committee Site, which sets forth the Calls to convention of each CD.   These Calls give the dates and locations of caucuses and conventions. 

Congressional District

Convention Date

Prefiling Deadline (SCC)

City & County Caucus Dates


May 2

April 24

Apr. 18 or 20


May 9

April 30



May 16

May 9

Apr. 25 or 27


May 9

May 1

Apr. 25 or 27


May 2

April 23

Apr. 18 or 20


May 16

May 8



May 9

May 1

Apr. 23 or 25


May 16

May 8



May 2

April 27

Apr 18 or 20


May 9

May 1

Apr 18 or 20


May 9

May 1



 6.         Who can participate in the caucuses?  Any registered voter who signs a declaration form indicating that he or she is a Democrat; is not a member of any other political party; does not intend to support any candidate who is opposed to the Democratic nominee in the next ensuing general election; and has not participated and will not participate in the nominating process of any other political party for the 2009 general election.      

 7.         Is participation in all processes open to all registered voters who wish to participate as Democrats?  Yes, all meetings are open to all members of the Democratic Party regardless of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, economic status, or disability, and all meetings must be publicized.

 8.         Should CD at and local committees conduct outreach programs?  Yes, such committees should encourage full participation by all Democrats in the State Central Committee election process, including through notice, publicity and education programs.   Such outreach should be directed to all Democratic constituencies, including groups such as ethnic minorities, young people, persons over 65 years of age, lesbians and gay men, persons with a high school education or less, persons with disabilities, and persons of low and moderate income.

 9.         Is prefiling required to participate in caucuses?  No.

 10.       Is prefiling required to be a delegate to the CD convention?   In those CDs having separate city and county caucuses prefiling is required.  In CDs doing a one-step process, no prefiling is required to participate in the convention.

 11.       Is prefiling required to be elected to the SCC?  Yes – see the above chart for prefiling deadlines.

 12.       Is there gender balance on the SCC?  Yes, the SCC must be equally divided between men and women.  It is strongly encouraged that the 20 elected CD members be equally divided.  The 24 (20 elected plus General Assembly and City/County chairs) must be equally divided.

 13.       Are slates allowed for SCC elections?  Yes.

 14.       How can I get elected to the SCC?  Get delegates to the CD Convention to vote for you.

 15.       What are the officers of the SCC?  The officers of the State Central Committee are the state party chair; the vice-chair for organization (first vice-chair); the vice chair for rules (second vice-chair); the vice-chair for technology and communications; the vice-chair for finance; the vice-chair for outreach; the secretary; and the treasurer.  These officers make up part of the Steering Committee.

 16.       How are the officers elected?  In a gubernatorial election year when the DPVA chooses its statewide candidates by primary and does not hold a state convention, the officers are elected at the first meeting of the new State Central Committee. This year, that meeting will be held on June 13, in Williamsburg.  Candidates for State Party office must pre-file by June 5, 2009.

 17.       Who are the other members of the Central Committee?  In addition to the CD committees and State Party officers, the Central Committee includes Virginia members of the Democratic National Committee elected by the State Convention (in the presidential election year), and any other DNC member who resides in Virginia (and requests membership); the Democratic members of the United States Congress from Virginia; the Democratic Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General; the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates, provided they are Democrats; the chairs of the Democratic caucuses of the Senate and the House; the president, national committeeman and national committeewoman of the Virginia Young Democrats; the president and first vice-president of the Virginia Democratic Women’s Caucus; the chair of the Association of Democratic Chairs; the chair of the Association of Democratic Elected Officials; the chair of the Virginia Young Democrats College Caucus; the chair of the Virginia Young Democrats Teen Caucus; the chair of the Virginia Young Democrats County/City Caucus; and Representatives from recognized constituency group organizations. 

 18.       What are the currently recognized caucuses and constituency groups?  Currently recognized constituency group organizations in include the Virginia Partisans gay and Lesbian Democratic Club and the Democratic Latinos of Virginia.  Central Committee Caucuses include the Black Caucus, Women’s Caucus, Labor Caucus, Rural Caucus, and Veterans and Military Affairs Caucus.

19.      Is there a resolutions process?  Yes, the SCC considers resolutions at its quarterly meetings.  Resolutions adopted by CD Conventions will be heard at the June 13 Central Committee meeting.

20.     Should people who are new to the process participate?  You bet.