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September 2012


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Behind closed doors with a group of his wealthy donors, Mitt Romney disdainfully insults and writes off half of the country.  As a candidate for President of the United States, Mitt Romney shockingly declared to a group of wealthy donors that nearly half of the American people – 47 percent – view themselves as “victims,” entitled to handouts, and unwilling to take “personal responsibility” for their lives.  It’s hard to be president of all the people when you write off half of them. Please see Mother Jones’ exclusive video of Mitt Romney’s behind closed door remarks.   But here are the facts on the Americans Romney dismisses – an overwhelmingly majority of whom are seniors, working families, students or people with disabilities.Read More »ROMNEY INSULTS, WRITES OFF HALF THE COUNTRY

#DNC2012 Voting Rights Institute

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Convention days were filed with caucus and other Democratic group meetings, including a meeting of the DNC’s Voting Rights Institute on Sept. 6, 2012.  We are happy to feature a guest column by Susan Dosier, a communications specialist who attended the meeting.

 The Democratic Party and A Host of Voter Groups Needs Volunteers To Help Fight Against Attacks On Voter Rights

Donna Brazile kicks off Voting Rights Panel (photo credit – Steve Bunn)

A line-up of political rock stars, including actress America Ferrera, Donna Brazile, Congressman Steny Hoyer,  Georgia Representative John Lewis, MSNBC talk show host Melissa Harris Perry, and others gathered to focus on what many at the Convention still find incredulous: the narrowing of criteria that allow Americans to vote.

At issue: 25 percent of Americans don’t have a government-issued ID. (Several new laws require as multiple forms of identification in order for someone to register to vote.)  For example, in Texas, you can register to vote with an National Rifle Association permit, but the state will not accept a photo ID from a community college.

Melissa Harris Perry moderated a panel with leaders who are working in each of their constituent groups (African Americans, organized labor, youth, Latinos, and more) to help the audience understand what’s happening, what’s being done, and how they can help.  Many of the restrictive voting laws passed target African-Americans, Hispanics, young voters, seniors, and people with disabilities.

“I’ve never seen anything like this!” Donna Brazile told the group. The same sentiment was heard from many in the room.

Many organizations and groups are actively responding, including the NAACP, organized labor, and Americans With Disabilities.Read More »#DNC2012 Voting Rights Institute

DPVA Steering Committee Meets – 53 Days to Election

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DPVA Chair Brian Moran, Secretary Steve Bunn, Vice Chair Gaylene Kanoyton

The Democratic Party of Virginia held a very substantive Steering Committee meeting last night, focused primarily on the tasks necessary over the next 53 days to elect Barack Obama, Tim Kaine, and our Congressional candidates.  The Committee also voted to recommend to the full Central Committee that the Party chose its 2013 nominees for Governor, Lt. Governor, and Atty. General by primary, and oppose this fall’s constitutional amendment regarding eminent  domain.  The full Central Committee meeting this morning.  Some highlights of last night’s meeting.Read More »DPVA Steering Committee Meets – 53 Days to Election

#DNC2012 Actions, Schedule

I’ve been to five conventions, but I have never seen the party so unified, enthusiastic, and positive about putting forth our candidate and message.  From the business perspective, the Convention adopted the Credentials, Rules, and Platform Committee Reports, and elected officers.  I posted the platform yesterday and will post the Rules and Credentials, but there is nothing controversial.  Delegates signed the pettition to nominate President Obama.  I am looking forward to another exciting day.  Again, thanks to DemConWatch, here’s today’s schedule (complete schedule below).  Highlights will include Bill Clinton’s nomination speech for President Obama, Convention Chair Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Elizabeth Warren, and Barney Frank and the Roll Call.  I don’t know about venue plans for tomorrow – still planning on Panther Stadium and hopefully the rain will end today.  (BTW, Politico picked up my recent post re the credentials committee, here.)Read More »#DNC2012 Actions, Schedule

Platform and Tuesday Schedule, #DNC2012

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Thanks to Matt at DemConWatch, here is the proposed platform and the Tuesday schedule.  There will be pre-convention caucus meetings in the morning and afternoon, (and a lunch or reception or two), but the session starts at 5 pm.  The first major business is adoption of Credentials, Rules, and Platform reports.  Then there will be a Jimmy Carter video and speeches.  Starting at 10 pm, the convention will hear from Md. Gov. Martin O’Malley, Keynoter San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, and First Lady Michelle Obama.  The Convention adjourns at 11, to be followed by a party or two.  Full schedule below  

  2012 Democratic National Platform (336.0 KiB, 1,025 hits)

 Read More »Platform and Tuesday Schedule, #DNC2012