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DPVA Central Committee Meeting 9/2012

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The Democratic Party State Central Committee met in Fredericksburg yesterday and chose a primary to nominate our state-wide candidates for 2013, opposed the Constitutional Amendment on eminent domain and supported the one on veto session scheduling, heard from Senate candidate and former Governor Tim Kaine, 1st Congressional District candidate Adam Cook, 4th Congressional District candidate Ella Ward, Larry Roberts (DNC/Kaine campaign), Mike Henry (Kaine campaign), and Party Chair Brian Moran and DPVA officers and staff, who discussed campaign efforts, voter protection, and candidate recruitment.  See yesterday’s post on Steering Committee for more details.  Each Central Committee also got a list of names to call for voter ID, emphasizing the importance of identifying, persuading, and getting out voters.  Virginia voters may determine if President Obama is elected and if Democrats retain a majority in the US Senate. 51 days to go . . .