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Inauguration Updates

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I hope that everyone had a great time  and that you found our inauguration update page useful.  I’ll post pictures on Flicker.

Vote For Obama, Now

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Many people, including those living in Northern Virginia who will be out of the county at work for 11 hours on election day, can vote absentee, including voting “absentee in person” at the Courthouse or special locations.  If you are eligible, you should vote now to make sure your vote counts.  By the way, ALL absentee votes that are received by election day are counted.   For more information check with the State Board of Elections website — important information is set forth below.Read More »Vote For Obama, Now

Report from the Democratic National Convention Platform Committee

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Thanks to Voncille Hines, from Arlington, for providing this report, and thanks to all of the Virginia members of the Platform Committee.


In an effort to provide every American an opportunity to give their input in shaping the principles of the Democratic Party, Senator Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee launched the “Listening to America” initiative.  After months of preparation, the participation of more than 25,000 individuals in 1600 listening to America forums that took place in communities in all 50 states, including a national hearing held in Cleveland, Ohio, the 186-member Democratic Platform Committee convened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on August 9, 2008, to deliberate on the draft document presented by the Platform Drafting Committee. An overview of each section of the platform was given by noted elected officials and prominent members of the Democratic Party, including Dr. Susan Rice, foreign policy advisor to Senator Obama. Over 120 amendments were submitted, several of which were withdrawn, or included in the chair’s amendments. At the end of the day-long meeting members voted to endorse the draft platform presented by the Platform Drafting Committee.Read More »Report from the Democratic National Convention Platform Committee