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Glenn Beck

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is either too stupid to know the date of an iconic moment in 20th century history or he is lying and insulting Pres Obama &… Read More »Glenn Beck

DNC Talking Points: Selecting a Supreme Court Justice

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From the DNC:

*         As President Obama considers candidates to succeed Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, he will look to individuals who think independently, who have a proven record of excellence, who are dedicated to upholding the rule of law, and who have a clear understanding of the effects of the law in Americans’ lives.Read More »DNC Talking Points: Selecting a Supreme Court Justice


This afternoon, I took a break from the office to walk around The Mall.  I approached the Smithsonian’s Arts & Industries Building with some trepidation… Read More »Recovery

A Good Health Care Bill

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Jeepers. You wouldn’t think it would be necessary to remind folks about all the good provisions in the current health care bill. Others have looked at the bill in great detail and provided useful analyses.  See, e.g,  Paul Krugman, Bill Clinton, Victoria Kennedy, Nate Silver, and Nancy-Ann DeParle (Director of the White House Office of Health Reform).

My point is that President Obama has focused intensely on this issue and succeeded in getting support from a supermajority in the Senate for a bill.  This necessarily involved compromises – that’s how governing works.  And, of course, this isn’t the final bill and, if the Senate passes it, the conference committee can work on further improvements.  If the bill dies, it will be another 20 years before another Democratic President summons the courage to try to fix the system.  And sure, from a political perspective, delivering on health care reform before moving onto the other issues on the agenda is a good thing for Democrats.Read More »A Good Health Care Bill