VOTE, GIVE, WORK – Tuesday, November 2
I have gotten behind with this site – not due to an enthusiasm deficit, but rather a work surplus. Better than the alternative, but no excuse. … Read More »VOTE, GIVE, WORK – Tuesday, November 2
I have gotten behind with this site – not due to an enthusiasm deficit, but rather a work surplus. Better than the alternative, but no excuse. … Read More »VOTE, GIVE, WORK – Tuesday, November 2
The DNC Change Commission held its final (hour-long) meeting this afternoon (by conference call). The Commission approved a draft report that recommends converting most automatic unpledged “superdelegates” to pledged delegates who will fill slots reflecting the voter preferences in their state’s primary or caucuses – thus becoming automatic, pledged, voting convention delegates. The DNC Rules and Bylaws Commission (RBC) will consider the Commission’s report and then forward proposed delegate selection rules to the DNC for action later in 2010. Read More »DNC Change Commission Adopts Report
Here is my list of 10 blogs that do a fine job of covering party rules and related election law issues: Nate Silver’s Dem Con… Read More »Best Blogs for Rules Geeks
Last week, the Republican National Convention Rules Committee voted to reject a 2012 nomination process proposal which would have grouped primaries on three spaced dates in the… Read More »GOP Addresses Rules Issues
Barack Obama proved this week that he has the skills to unify the Democratic Party and present a vision for the country’s future. The convention… Read More »Democratic Convention Launches Obama – Biden
As its first (and thus far only) Official Actions, the Democratic National Convention yesterday adopted the Reports of the Credentials, Rules, and Platform Committees, without… Read More »Convention Adopts Committee Reports
For those of you in Denver with Purple — Alternate, Honored guest, special guest credentials. Special guests – let’s try to gather in section 334… Read More »Convention Seating
The Democratic National Convention Committee met today and unanimously approved the seating of all delegations and adopted 12 resolutions. The Committee voted to honor the… Read More »Unity Rules Credentials
The Democratic National Convention Rules Committee today unanimously adopted a resolution calling on the DNC to establish a Democratic Change Commission to consider controversial issues which arose in this year’s presidential nomination process and recommend changes in that process to the DNC. The Resolution directs the Commission to move the delegate selection process back so most primaries are spaced out in March and later, reduce the number of super delegates, and establish new criteria for caucuses. The Resolution was supported by the leadership of the DNC, and the Obama and Clinton campaigns. Two resolutions raising concerns about the caucus process had been offered, but were withdrawn at the meeting.
DNC Change Commission (169.8 KiB, 1,352 hits)
The Democratic National Convention Rules Committee met this morning and unanimously adopted proposed Convention Rules and a resolution calling for the establishment of a Democratic Change Commission which will make recommendations regarding the 2012 Presidential nomination process, and address issues including timing, caucuses, and super delegates. [See next post.]
The proposed Convention Rules are similar to rules used in prior years. The Rules, and the agenda, which the Committee also adopted, provide for Reports from the Credentials, Rules, and Platform Committees on Monday night and nomination of the President and Vice President on Wednesday. (Obama’s acceptance speech is, of course, Thursday night.) Here are the Rules —
National Convention Rules (499.3 KiB, 1,077 hits)
Denver. On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, both parties are looking ahead to the 2012 nomination process. Democrats this week will likely vote… Read More »On the Eve of 2008, Looking to 2012
Thanks to Voncille Hines, from Arlington, for providing this report, and thanks to all of the Virginia members of the Platform Committee.
In an effort to provide every American an opportunity to give their input in shaping the principles of the Democratic Party, Senator Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee launched the “Listening to America” initiative. After months of preparation, the participation of more than 25,000 individuals in 1600 listening to America forums that took place in communities in all 50 states, including a national hearing held in Cleveland, Ohio, the 186-member Democratic Platform Committee convened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on August 9, 2008, to deliberate on the draft document presented by the Platform Drafting Committee. An overview of each section of the platform was given by noted elected officials and prominent members of the Democratic Party, including Dr. Susan Rice, foreign policy advisor to Senator Obama. Over 120 amendments were submitted, several of which were withdrawn, or included in the chair’s amendments. At the end of the day-long meeting members voted to endorse the draft platform presented by the Platform Drafting Committee.Read More »Report from the Democratic National Convention Platform Committee
Last weekend the DNC National Platform Committee met in Pittsburgh and adopted the party’s draft platform. The pre-meeting draft is provided here. We will post… Read More »Democrats Unite on Draft National Platform
AP reports that the Clinton and Obama campaigns have agreed that Hillary’s name will be offered in nomination and presumably there will be a roll call vote at the convention. Story here. This has been described as a “traditional” way of proceeding, although it would be the first such roll call vote this century. Only Dennis Kucinich placed his name in nomination against John Kerry in 2004 and BIll Bradley did not have a roll call vote against Al Gore in 2000.
Nevertheless, the Obama and Clinton campaigns have decided that such a move will assist party unification and should yield positive results. Democrats (including me) have great respect for Senator Clinton and her campaign, and her nomination reflects that respect. Then it’s on to November, with Senator Clinton and her supporters, working to elect Barack Obama.
Here is the statement from the Obama campaign.
The Democratic Convention Committees will meet to do their work before the National Convention begins. See DNC Release re: Commitees. Platform is meeting this weekend – report to follow. Rules is meeting the saturday before the convention, but the Credentials meeting on sunday may revisit the Florida/Michigan delegation issues.
The Platform Committee will meet on August 9th – many of you participated in the 1200 Obama campaign platform meetings held around the country last month. Kudos to Maureen Markham and her team for the excellent “Platform Café” at Celias in Arlington (see similar Listening to America – Platform for Change results). Virginia’s Platform Committee members are invited to submit their comments on the meeting, and we will post them here.
Read More »Democratic National Convention Committees to Meet
I’m looking forward to attending the Democratic National Convention in Denver on August 25-28, and the first DNC meeting of the new term on August… Read More »Ready for Denver!
The DNC RBC meeting I saw yesterday was one in which members and presenters strongly advocated their positions, but shared a commitment to Democratic Party ideals of participation, fairness, and party unity. Thus the Committee was able to reach compromises which implement those principles, resolve the outstanding disputes over seating of the Florida and Michigan delegations, and allow our presumptive nominee to focus on the issues that confront the American people. Specifically, the Committee voted to seat the full number of delegates from each state, each delegate with a half vote, and allocate the delegates generally according to primary percentage, with some adjustments for Michigan.Read More »DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee Does the Right Thing