Note that the RBC will meet on August 18, prior to the August 19 DNC meeting, if it wants to make changes.
Rule 7 – Inclusion programs – amended to add youth to LGBT and people with disabilities as categories subject to inclusion programs. (Well done)
Rule 9 – Unpledged Party Leaders and Elected Official Delegates (i.e. Superdelegates) – unwritten proposals – (1) reduce the relative number of superdelegates by 25% by increasing the total number of elected delegates; (2) adopt a date certain by which unpledged must pledge; (3) encourage participation in the process (by adding a total of 300 alternate positions).
(1) Add 81 unpledged add-on delegates to the base pledged delegate total and convert 614 alternates to pledged delegates – this would add about 700 delegates to the new total and decrease the percentage of unpledged from 20% to 15% of the total. Other unpledged delegates – i.e. DNC members and elected officials – remain. The number of alternates would be reduced by half, but there would still be alternates.
(2) require unpledged delegates to pledge within a certain number of days after certification of the delegation. The unpledged would then have to endorse or state that they are uncommitted. (They, like any delegates, can also vote their conscience). The deadline for pledging (e.g. 10 days) can be adopted in the Call.
(3) change in the number of alternates – instead of one alternate for every six delegates, it would be one for every 12 – I believe this means about 300 alternates. (In 2008, Va had about 14 alternates – one per CD, plus three at large, now we would have seven; thus about 1/2 of the CDs would have no alternates, but there would be more delegates) So the proposal adds another 300 seats.
Question: Will there be enough alternates to go around? Yes, every state gets at least 2 alternates; the RBC can allocate additional alternates if needed.
The RBC voted to approve these proposals in principle.
Thanks Jeff Berman for clarification on the alternate issue