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DNC: Restructuring

New DNC Chair Tom Perez promised “culture change” and a complete restructuring of the DNC and that process is underway.  One area that is still under construction (and being staffed) is voter protection and empowerment – I will post more on that as I get details.  In the meantime here is the DNC (5/18/2017) notice from Chair Perez:

DNC Restructuring

Over the past two months, I’ve listened to stakeholders inside and outside of the DNC, including voters from across the country. This week marks the implementation of an organization-wide restructuring that will result in real culture change for Democrats.


We are restructuring the DNC by focusing on five key priorities: breaking down silos across the organization, stepping up the DNC’s technology game, supporting grassroots mobilization, standing up a full voter protection and empowerment team, and focusing on small dollar fundraising. One of the major structural changes is that the DNC will largely operate in a system of regional “pods” where, for each of the four regions, staff from every single area across the organization (mobilization, marketing, communications, organizing, finance, research, technology, training, voter protection) work together on one team. This work will help grow collaboration with progressive organizations, partners, labor unions and service our 57 state and territory parties and Democrats Abroad.

Grassroots Mobilization

In the most innovative organizational restructure since the creation of the DNC’s 50-State Strategy and Digital team in 2005, a new Mobilization Department will put ordinary people, grassroots organizing and small donations at the center of the DNC’s work. The new structure will harmonize a single relationship with voters, providing a clear ladder of engagement and allowing the DNC to better mobilize Democrats.

We are making grassroots organizing part of the fabric of the DNC. The DNC will be restructured with a large mobilization team, full-time organizers on staff to engage directly with grassroots movements across the nation.

This will be the most aggressively unified programs that has ever been attempted. It will become the foundation upon which we will build campaigns of the future.


The DNC is currently undergoing an organizational restructuring – and it’s no secret that technology was one area that needed an influx of resources and attention. However, at the same time, providing vast amounts of data out to all of the states is something the DNC has been building and fortifying for years. It is a strength of the Democratic Party and this remarkable feat has been stitched together over years.

To move forward, I’ve reached out to the top minds in politics and tech to dive in during this transition phase and offer recommendations. We’ve sought to create a nimble structure that could push the envelope of innovation and simultaneously shore up the organization’s institutional defenses.

The major changes include new high level leadership…
• a Chief Technology Officer to set the vision for the Democratic Party’s technology tools and data, and do an in depth analysis of and maintain the party’s analytics infrastructure
• a Chief Information Security Officer to lead the Democratic Party’s IT security defenses

Voter Protection & Empowerment

We are delivering on the promise we made while running for Chair and standing up a full voter protection and empowerment unit at the DNC to play both offense and defense when it comes to protecting and expanding voting rights. Today’s climate demands that we stand up an aggressive department with ample staff capacity to take on the tough fights ahead. The unit will focus on batting down Republican-led efforts to disenfranchise voters on the national, state, and local levels while also expanding the electorate through outreach, voter registration, and education.

A New Finance Direction

Taking cues from successful fundraisers like Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders, I’ve directed the DNC finance department to think differently about the fundraising landscape for Democrats. Donors – large-dollar, small-dollar, and everywhere in between – are investors in our cause and partners in party building. We must create a structure that is large enough, yet nimble enough, to respond to the political landscape where we no longer have the White House.

The DNC is bringing together the first truly multi-channel grassroots fundraising effort to ensure a thriving small-donor base and a party accountable only to the people. The expanded finance team will be responsive to and pursue donations from $1 on up – because the Democratic party is fueled by the power of our voters in all 57 states and territories.

Surrogates Department

The DNC is creating an internal department to manage surrogates and better serve the needs of state parties and campaigns. From events to fundraising to communications/press, there will now be full-time staff at the DNC dedicated to communicating our message through our very best assets – our people.

We’re excited to implement these changes and look forward to sending you additional updates as bring on additional staff.
Tom Perez
Chair, Democratic National Committee