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2016 Primary Petition Time

The Virginia Democratic Presidential Primary will be on March 1, 2016, but presidential candidates seeking to get on the ballot in Virginia must file the requisite forms and petitions by December 10, 2015.  In 2013, after Perry and Gingrich couldn’t get the required 10,000 signatures, the General Assembly lowered the requirement to 5,000, with 200 per congressional district.  The attached document provides primary petition guidance for campaigns.  The most important tip is getting more signatures than required is fine, but you should get a voters list from DPVA or the VA Dept of Elections and check to see that each of the signers is a qualified voter.  You should also check the forms carefully and make sure that they are complete (e.g. notarized), and group them by congressional district.  A neat filing is an accepted filing.  Go to it, click here.