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DNC Winter – and we do mean Winter – Meeting Day 2

The RBC will consider the Change Commission recommendations as part of its proposed Delegate Selection Plan Rules and Regulations.  Today’s meeting provided only an overview and the next meeting (possibly Nashville in April) will provide more detailed discussion.  It appears that making superdelegates reflect voter’s preferences may require a Charter amendment (and a 2/3 vote) – more on this issue later.  No word from the RNC meeting in Honolulu (less snow there) re calender, although the Republican Convention approved the same four pre-window states.

Tomorrow’s Resolutions –

  9-10-09_Resolutions_as_Presented_to_the_Full_DNC11.pdf (1.0 MiB, 909 hits)

At the Southern Caucus Speaker Pelosi spoke about advancing President Obama’s agenda and Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz spoke about the 2010 Congressional elections.  Cong. W-S spoke about targeting some current Republican districts, protecting our own (mentioning Congressmen Periello, Nye, and Connolly), and the need to recognize that some Democrats represent very conservative districts and need our support, not attacks.  The Caucus will investigate the value of regional issue-based polling.  The Chair spoke of the importance of involving young people in the party and participating in the Census.  The Alabama Chair noted that State Parties are required to have 33% of their seats filled by 18-35 year olds.   Chair Gilda Cobb-Hunter also called Alfonso Lopez “baby,” which he took as a positive reflection on his relative youth, but she calls everyone “baby.”  Charlotte made a pitch for the 2012 convention, which might be good because it is convenient for Virginians, even though the Queen City may lack the appeal of , say, MIAMI.  [Today’s New Orleans Times-Picayune lead:  “note to Miami:  you need more beer.”]   The next Southern Caucus meeting will be in connection with the Ass’n of State Democratic Chairs meeting in Nashville on April 10.

Time to slog back to the Hilton.

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