Unity Team Elected!
The Virginia Democratic Party 2008 State Convention elected our Unity Team – Mame Reiley, Lionell Spruill, Doris Crouse-Mays, and Frank Leone – as Virginia’s representatives… Read More »Unity Team Elected!
The Virginia Democratic Party 2008 State Convention elected our Unity Team – Mame Reiley, Lionell Spruill, Doris Crouse-Mays, and Frank Leone – as Virginia’s representatives… Read More »Unity Team Elected!
The DNC RBC meeting I saw yesterday was one in which members and presenters strongly advocated their positions, but shared a commitment to Democratic Party ideals of participation, fairness, and party unity. Thus the Committee was able to reach compromises which implement those principles, resolve the outstanding disputes over seating of the Florida and Michigan delegations, and allow our presumptive nominee to focus on the issues that confront the American people. Specifically, the Committee voted to seat the full number of delegates from each state, each delegate with a half vote, and allocate the delegates generally according to primary percentage, with some adjustments for Michigan.Read More »DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee Does the Right Thing