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Virginia Congressional Redistricting

The Post reports that the General Assembly will consider a congressional redistricting plan on monday.  Republican delegate Janis has introduced a bill that looks a lot like what some have called the the incumbent-protection plan that recently circulated.  Can’t we do better than this?

UPDATE:  You can also find the maps and additional redistricting information at the Lee District (Fairfax County) Dems site, here.

1 thought on “Virginia Congressional Redistricting”

  1. I say the Virginia General Assembly is on of the most corrupted. They are setting Eric Cantor up for something my guest is President one day.

    Budget deal drops requirement that Cuccinelli track staff time

    Virginia Attorney Gen. Ken Cuccinelli (R) will face no legislative requirement that he keep track of his staff’s time.

    HB-1506 was killed by the Speaker of the house (Delegate Howell), the Chairman of the Courts Committee (Delegate Albo), the Chairman of the Civil Subcommittee (Delegate Athey) and the governor’s office.

    Delegate Howell, the Speaker, sits on the board of Virginia Heartland Bank.

    Courts Chairman Albo received 13% of his campaign funds from the VA Bankers Association and more from two major bank servicers.

    The lobbyist representing the bankers, Matt Bruning, at the hearing of the Civil Subcommittee was a former aide to the chairman of the subcommittee, Delegate Athey, and an aid to the governor.

    A reason given by Delegate Athey for not passing HB-1506 on was that the governor’s office in the person of Terri Suit, head of the governor’s foreclosure task force sent a letter asking the subcommittee to hold off and let the task force work on it. The Virginia Public Access Project reports that Terri Suit, ,chair of the Foreclosure Task Force, was a paid lobbyist for the Mortgage Lenders Association and the “private” members of the Task Force largely comprise representatives of the mortgage industry.

    HB-1718 was pulled from the floor when Delegate Marshall threatened to attach an amendment excluding mortgages from the language. Had the speaker left it on the floor, the members would have had to record a vote on the amendment and with the amendment there no longer was reason to pass it. Delegate Merricks sits on the board of Virginia Bank & Trust and has 25 years in the banking industry.

    The relationships are so inappropriate as to cause any reasonable citizen to question the integrity of the process.

    A survey released today in the Financial Times shows that Americans trust of all large institutions is at an all time low with only 25% of American saying that they trust financial institutions.

    A survey published last week ranked Virginia as the country’s second most corrupt state only after Tennessee.

    The citizens of Virginia appear to be making an accurate assessment based on the shenanigans going on in Richmond this week.

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