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Get the Latest DNC 2012 Convention News!

One way, of course, is to read this site regularly (and sign up for dailyemail updates).  But you can also sign up to get regular email updates from the DNC, be the first to know about news and behind-the-scenes events, and find ways to get involved.  You also could win an invitation to the Convention.  As Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz stated:  “One year from today, Democrats from across the country will meet in Charlotte, North Carolina to renominate Barack Obama for President.  The 2012 Convention will be different from any that came before it.  We believe this should be an event not just for the thousands who will attend but for the millions whose values it will reflect — making supporters across the country feel closely tied to what is happening in Charlotte and giving you unprecedented access to the nominating process.”  So join the DNC Convention team: