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DPVA Summit – Part 2

#VASummit  There were a number of concurrent events, which you will be able to view at the DPVA website.  I think it was a very well done event – next time, perhaps more time for questions and exchange of ideas and some different topics.  I am sure that they will get feedback and improve future training/summits accordingly.   I think at least 400 people attended, learned a lot, met with others, and got energized.  Next year, I hope that DPVA will present these sessions in connection with our state convention, in early June 2012.

  • Drew Westen, a political and business consultant who focuses on the role of emotion in messaging gave a very interesting presentation, although some thought that he might have been too critical of President Obama’s “messaging disaster.”   He stressed the need to talk about values, tell a coherent memorable story, keep it simple, establish an emotional connection.
  • Westen was introduced by Rep. Bobby Scott, who noted that Democrats’ attempts at messaging “are somewhat constrained by truth and facts.”
  • Rule Vice Chair Fred Hudson and DPVA political director Don Mark did an excellent job in leading an exchange on local committee bylaws and the state party plan, addressing membership, notice, candidate support, party organization, and issues relating to non-partisan endorsements.