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#DPVA: Resolving Resolution Issues

DPVA seems to have issues with resolutions about issues.  I’ve posted on the evolution of the Party’s resolution process and a proposal to adopt quadrennial platforms.  But the DPVA’s “Bylaws Committee” may consider other changes to the process, including limitations on the number of resolutions.  I will reserve judgment on the Committee’s recommendations, but we can improve the process without Party Plans changes.  The State Central Committee meets four times per year and resolutions have to be submitted 30 days in advance, so having timely resolutions is a bit of a challenge.  Moreover, the meetings last about two hours, and thus there is limited time to consider resolutions amidst the other party business.  There also can be somewhat of a disconnect between the resolutions introduced and acted upon and the issues that the party or its candidates want to push.   On way to address these concerns is to put the resolutions in proper context – they are statements of the membership’s positions on issues, but are only part (if at all) of the Party’s message.

To begin, we could set up an “Issues” page at the DPVA website, which would contain several sections.

  1. DPVA State Central Committee Resolutions – proposed resolutions, recently adopted resolutions, and archived resolutions – none of which are currently available on the website now; also contact information for Resolutions Committee members for Democrats who wish to become more involved in the process.
  2. Democratic Organization resolutions – resolutions that are not before the Central Committee, but have been adopted by city, county or congressional district committees, DPVA caucuses and constituency groups like the Young Democrats, and resolutions adopted by the DNC.  This section provides a way to share information about issues that are important to other Democrats, without requiring DPVA action.
  3. Action – profiling the most important issues that are the focus of DPVA current messaging, including contact information for federal and state elected officials for follow up.
  4. Forum/Blog – a section (with appropriate disclaimers) where state central committee members can share their ideas on important issues.

I am sure other folks have other ideas, but it seems to me that we need more of change of attitude than of rules; We should respect each other’s ideas and each other’s time, and keep our focus on the goals of winning elections and advancing common concerns.