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DPVA 2009 Central Commitee, Officer Elections

The Democratic Party of Virginia has provided Guidance regarding the upcoming election of the party’s State Central Committee members and officers.  The State Central Committee is composed of 24 persons from each congressional district plus approximately 20 state party officers plus approximately 10 officers of caucuses and constituency groups.  We will elect the district committee members at Congressional District Conventions to be held in May 2009.  The first meeting of the new Central Committee in June 2009 will elect state party officers.  Each congressional district committee should issue a call to convention by March 2, 2009 which will set forth the procedures for election of Central Committee members from that district.  The attached materials include guidelines, a schedule, and draft calls and rules.  Also see the state Party Plan (References page) for additional procedural details.  2009 SCC Election Guidelines Memo  2009 SCC Delegate Allocation Breakdowns  Let us know if you have questions.