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DNC Rules & Bylaws Committee – Conference Call – 8/12/2010

The DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee convened today to finalize the draft Call to the 2012 Democratic Convention and consider a proposed charter amendment.  The RBC will take a final vote on the Delegate Selection Rules and Call in St. Louis on August 19 at 12:30 pm and forward to the full DNC for consideration on August 20.

Co-Chair Roosevelt announced that the RNC adopted a delegate selection timing rule that tracks the proposed DNC schedule.

The proposed Charter Amendment would reflect one of the changes re super delegates (specifically, elimination of the unpledged add-on delegate positions).   The RBC endorsed it and it will be voted on by the DNC Executive Committee and then the DNC in St. Louis.

CALL  Article 1 – Bonus delegate provision – calendar proposes several stages:  (I) March 6-31, (II) April 1-30, (III) May 1-June 12.  Proposed changes: 

  • Increase the rewards for states who move back – 10% bonus delegate to stage 2, 20% if move to stage 3;
  • States which stay back – 5% for staying in stage 2, 10% for staying in stage 3;
  • Regional clustering – 15% bonus – cluster involves at least 3 states (can be in any stage).   It can be a mix of caucuses/primaries.

All of these bonuses could result in an increase of 300-500 national convention delegates.  Discussion re making 10% or 20% across the board – both for states that move and states that stay.  Deferred to St. Louis meeting.

Article 5 – Democratic National Convention Committee, Inc. – relates to convention logistics – adopted (no changes).

Article 6– Presidential Candidates – need to be bona fide Democrats – adopted (no changes).

Article 7– Convention Standing Committees on Platform, Rules, Credentials – changed to eliminate temporary committees.  The issues of raising the  minority report threshold from 20% to 25% was discussed and will resolved at the next meeting.  (1980 had 50 minority reports – but there have been relatively few since then.)

Article 8 – Convention Procedural Rules – some relatively minor changes, including changing the roll call procedure so it will be completed even after candidate reaches nomination number – adopted.

Appendix A– Credentials Committee Rules of Procedure, including challenge process – no substantive changes – adopted.

Appendix B – Delegate Allocation, Appendix C – Allocation of Convention Pages [no maximum age limit for pages suggested], and Appendix D– Allocation of Standing Committee Members were not specifically discussed.

4 thoughts on “DNC Rules & Bylaws Committee – Conference Call – 8/12/2010”

  1. Not a specific number, but seniors are included in the non-discrimination and outreach sections and the DNC has an active Seniors Council. When I looked at this in 2008, seniors did not appear to be underrepresented in the Virginia delegation, but I did not do a rigorous analysis.

  2. Good question. Re candidate allocation, not really – it just makes some states more appealing and important than they otherwise would be. It does affect apportionment some – number of delegates per state is determined by a formula taking into account Democratic vote and population. See Call to Convention, Article 1. This increases the number of delegates the states have. But it serves other policy purposes and every state can take advantage of the bonus delegates. (At least to some degree – the issue of different bonus for states that move back and stay back will be determined today and tomorrow.)

  3. Re Article 1: Will the increase in delegate “rewards” adversely effect “proportional representation”?

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