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DNC Communications Report – July 16, 2010 (RBC)

Wall Street reform, economic recovery, and the following statement on the DNC Rules and Bylaws Commitee on the 2012 National Convention Delegate Selection Plan.   (see recent posts for coverage of the meeting).

2012 Presidential Nominating Process:   Last weekend, members of the DNC‘s Rules and Bylaws Committee made progress toward finalizing the Party‘s delegate selection rules for the 2012 Presidential nominating process. The new rules recommended by the Rules and Bylaws Committee would increase the number of delegates elected by the states, District of Columbia, and territories – increasing their influence at the Democratic National Convention and giving grassroots activists across the country even more opportunities to participate in the Presidential nominating process. The new rules will be put to a vote before the full DNC membership at the DNC‘s August meeting in St. Louis. Following the Rules and Bylaws Committee vote to recommend the rules, DNC Chairman Tim Kaine said:

―I applaud the significant improvements to the presidential nominating process recommended this weekend by the Democratic National Committee‘s Rules and Bylaws Committee, which builds on the work of our Democratic Change Commission. These new provisions represent an important step towards increasing grassroots activists‘ involvement in our presidential nominating process. They guarantee that Democratic primary voters and caucus participants will have a larger voice in the nomination of our Party‘s presidential candidate, while at the same time respecting the important role that party leaders play in our nominating and political processes. Perhaps most importantly, the new rules open up the nominating process to even greater participation. I want to thank the RBC and the Democratic Change Commission for working so diligently on these important issues and focusing on ways to strengthen our Party and the presidential nominating process.

  Communications_Report_-_July_16_2010.pdf (345.0 KiB, 944 hits)