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Get Obama on Ballot for the 2012 Primary!

The DPVA and OFA need to collect a minimum of 10,000 signatures (including 400 per congressional district) to get president Obama on the March 6, 2012 Virginia Democratic Primary ballot.  If the President is the only candidate who meets the filing requirements, he will be declared the winner and the Democratic primary will not be held.  (Assuming more than one Republican candidate qualifies, their primary will proceed.)   Here’s a message from DPVA Vice Chair for Organization, Gaylene Kanoyton:

The time has arrived to begin collecting signatures for President Obama to get on the ballot in Virginia. Beginning this week, petitions are being circulated in your area by Organizing for America staff and volunteers. We are encouraging all of our local committees and congressional districts to to get involved as well.  While we do not want to take the focus off of our very important 2011 elections, petition gathering is an excellent way to bring in new volunteers for helping on races in 2011 and laying the foundation for 2012.  So we encourage you to read the Obama Petition Instructions and print off copies of the petition form. Please have them at your regular meetings, socials and events for democrats to sign. Also, take them to your fairs and festivals to get voters to sign and encourage them to vote in November.

We are working closely with OFA in this effort. Barbara Kanninen is the Organizing for America Petition Coordinator for Virginia. Please know that you may be hearing from her about signature collection efforts in your area.  If you have any questions, please contact Tyee at the DPVA offices at 804-644-1966 x226 or