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Virginia Voters – What You Need to Know

Voters can find their polling location by going to or, or they can call 1-855-VOTE-213 (1-855-868-3213).

Virginia has expanded the types of ID a voter can bring to the polls.  Voters just need ONE form of ID.  Acceptable IDs include:

  • VA driver’s license
  • VA voter registration card
  • Student ID from any community or four-year college or university located in Virginia
  • Cell phone bill or other utility bill with your current address
  • Electric bill, water bill, cable bill, or other utility bill with your current address
  • Bank statement with your current address
  • Paycheck or government check with your current address
  • U.S. Passport

Many other forms of ID are acceptable. For more information, voters can go to, or they can call the hotline: 1-855-VOTE-213 (1-855-868-3213).
NOTE: If the ID has your address, it doesn’t need to have your photo.

Absentee voting is available right now. Voters can vote by mail by submitting an application by Tuesday, October 28. They can vote in-person absentee by until Saturday, November 3.  A voter may vote absentee, either by mail or in-person, if they plan to be outside their city or county on election day for work, at school, on personal business or on vacation; if they will be working (including commute time) more than 11 hours on Election Day (even if they never leave their city or county); or if they are disabled, ill, pregnant or otherwise unable to come to the polls.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 6.  Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.