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Five Ways to Advance the Democratic Message

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1. Get Social:  Social media is one of the easiest ways for Democratic activists to communicate with people in their own communities about our Democratic values of justice, fairness and equality of opportunity.  “Like” the DPVA Facebook page and follow the Twitter feed and simply click ‘share’ or ‘retweet’ to put that information directly in front of the Virginians who look to you as a source of political information.

2. Send a Letter to the Editor:  A fast, easy and free way to share the Democratic message on the events of the day with the people in your area is to submit a short letter to the editor of your local paper.  Almost every paper anywhere has an easy-to-do method for submitting a short letter of around 200 words sounding off on the news of the day.  Submitting an LTE is a great way to communicate with people in your area, and also to influence the editors of a local paper.  For more information, visit your local newspaper’s website and look for a link for letter submissions. It can often be found on the Opinion/Editorial tab. When in doubt, pick up the phone and give your paper a call, they will provide you with an email address.

3. Talk to your friends:    As a Virginia Democrat, you can share the Democratic message within your personal network. One of the most effective ways to drive a message is to take opportunities at work, at church, in social settings or in other environments to raise the topics of the day and explain to people how they relate back to the differences between Democrats and Republicans.  Check the DPVA website for  information to help you engage and explain what’s going on in Virginia and how it relates to our Democratic values.

4. Get involved with your local Democratic committee and campaigns:  Democratic committees and campaigns depend on volunteers to drive their message to the people in their localities.  They exist to provide a framework through which local Democrats can get involved and pool their efforts toward our objective of electing leaders who will turn our Democratic values into public policy.  By making phone calls, knocking on doors, stuffing envelopes or even providing snacks for canvassers, you are contributing to the statewide effort to get the word out to every corner of Virginia about the ways in which Democrats are fighting for a better future for every family.  To find and contact your local committee click here

 5. Run for office:  Putting your name on the ballot may sound like a scary thing to do, but there is no better way to take the lead on telling Virginians why Democrats are the best choice to lead this Commonwealth forward.  By running for office in your community you not only give yourself a chance to win and make play a role in shaping public policy, you also demonstrate to your community that fighting for Democratic values is worth the time and effort it takes to put yourself on the ballot.  The DPVA is a service organization for Democratic candidates and activists.  If you are considering running for office, contact DPVA  — they are eager to help you get started, and to arm you with the tools and skills you need to advance the Democratic cause in your community.