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Change Commission

DNC Change Commission # 3 – Caucuses

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The 2008 caucus process generated an unusual amount of attention and controversy, largely because far more people participated in these processes than had ever done so in the past.  Those who favor having caucuses instead of primaries in their states argue that a mix of caucuses and primaries is appropriate, candidates can have more direct contact with caucus attendees and engage in “retail politics,” and caucus participants become Democratic activists.  Those of us who participated in caucuses (which we used in Virginia for decades until 2004) think that caucuses can be confusing to voters and severely limit participation. But the folks in Iowa and other states like their caucuses, they have long been part of the nomination process, and they will continue to be an option.Read More »DNC Change Commission # 3 – Caucuses

DNC Change Commission #2 – Super Delegates

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 Or, more accurately, automatic unpledged party leader and elected official delegates (“AUPLEOs”).  In 2008, nearly 20% of national convention delegates were super delegates – Distinguished Former Party Leaders (DFPLs, e.g., former DNC Chairs), Governors, Senators, members of Congress, and DNC members.  The 2008 Convention Resolution requires “a significant reduction in the number” of such delegates.  It also provides for a review of the formulas for delegate allocation to make sure that the delegates accurately reflect the will of the voters. Read More »DNC Change Commission #2 – Super Delegates