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OFA – 2012 Highlights

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A nice look back on the highlights of the year that led to the President’s re-election:

Results of the 2012 VA State Democratic Convention

Over 2,000 Democrats assembled for the state convention on Saturday, June 2nd at George Mason University Center for the Arts.

The Steering Committee of the Democratic Party of Virginia convened Friday evening for their regular quarterly meeting, followed by the Democratic Asian-Americans of Virginia Reception as well as a tribute to Senator Jim Webb. At the Webb dinner Arlington Democrat and early Brigade organizer Mary Detweiler recalled the history of the Brigade Movement. Senator Donald McEachin and former Congresswoman Leslie Byrne each reminisced about the Election in 2006. It was a great event and truly a great tribute to Senator Webb.Read More »Results of the 2012 VA State Democratic Convention

DNC Re-Election Supporters List

I am seeking election to a second term on the DNC (Democratic National Committee) at the DPVA State Convention on June 2, and I have been contacting folks around the state to ask for their support.  Many of these are people I worked with in the Young Democrats, on local committees, on the DPVA Central Committee, in support of progressive issues, as part of protect and promote the vote activities, and/or in support of Democratic local, state, and national candidates.  Others are people who will be delegates to the State Convention who I have met for the first time.

I am releasing today an initial supporters list consisting of good Democrats from every corner of the Commonwealth – from Bristol to Virginia Beach to Northern Virginia. The list includes elected officials, Democratic Committee members, and other activists.  It also includes leaders in the Virginia Black Caucus, the Democratic Latino Organization of Virginia, the Asian-American Caucus, the LGBT Caucus, the Veterans and Military Families Caucus, the Young Democrats, and leaders in Labor and business.Read More »DNC Re-Election Supporters List