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Virginians: Taking Back the House

Prior to the 2010 election, Virginia Democrats had a 6-5 majority in the US House of Representatives.  After a bad election and worse GOP-controlled redistricting, we are down to 3-8.  But we are fighting back and this year we have quality candidates in each Congressional District.  Please support these candidates with your votes, your time, and/or your money.

  • 1st CD (eastern VA) – Adam Cook, a young and very thoughtful (and tall) veteran, challenges Cong. Rob Whitman
  • 2nd CD (tidewater) – Businessman Paul Hirschbeil is trying to unseat 1st term Tea Partier Cong. Scott Rigell
  • 3rd CD (Hampton-Richmond)  – Incumbent and awesome Congressman Bobby Scott, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, deserves re-election to an 11th term
  • 4th CD (tidewater/southside) – Chesapeake City Councilor and educator Dr. Ella Ward is running a spirited campaign against Cong. Randy Forbes
  • 5th CD (southside) – Air Force General (ret.) John Douglass is taking on 1st term Cong. Robert Hurt
  • 6th CD (the valley) – Author Andy Schmookler is running hard against Chesapeake Bay-hater Cong. Bob Goodlatte
  • 7th CD (central) – Attorney Wayne Powell is running a very strong campaign against House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
  • 8th CD (NoVa, within the beltway) – my Congressman, Jim Moran, is fighting for the people against some guy.
  • 9th CD (southwest) -Farmer and organizer Anthony Flaccavento is challenging 1st term wacko who doesn’t even live in the district Cong. Morgan Griffin.
  • 10 CD (NoVa, west) – Actvist and attorney Kristen Cabral is trying to enforce 32-year incumbent Frank Wolf’s promise to adhere to term limits.
  • 11th CD (NoVa, middle) – Congressman Gerry Connolly is seeking a well deserved reelection.

Please support these candidates along with Barack Obama for President and Tim Kaine for Senate on this coming Tuesday, November 6.