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Virginia LGBT Democrats Fundraiser

Join me at the Virigina Partisans PAC 2011 event on July 14, 2011  7-9:00 pm, (program begins at 7:30 pm) at the home of Arlington County Board Member Jay Fisette & Bob Rosen, 311 N. Jackson Street, Arlington, VA 22201 (map, click here; 12 minute walk to Clarendon & VA Square metro stations). 40-for-40-sm

VA Partisans PAC 2011 Fundraiser: 40 for 40 – Keep the Senate Blue! This is a critical election year for LGBT Democrats in Virginia. The only thing standing between us and the policies of Ken Cuccinelli and Bob Marshall is the Virginia State Senate. We MUST keep the Senate blue and every seat is critical. Join us in this battle and help us meet our goal of raising $40,000 for 40 Senate seats.

General Tickets $40 – Young Dems $20; Host Committee Levels: Friend = $140; Supporter = $240; Sponsor = $440; Patron = $1,040; Benefactor = $2,040; President’s Club = $4,040; Host Committee sponsorship package details at  Join the Host Committee and Purchase Tickets Online, In-Person (cash, check or credit card at the event) or by Mail (mail to VA Partisans, P.O. Box 3266, Merrifield VA 22116; checks made payable to: Virginia Partisans Federal PAC).  Questions? Please email or call (508) 245-7581.