Yes, every year is election year in Virginia, and every year is important. Here is a recent article from Chairman Brian Moran and a statement from the Democratic Party of Virginia — Fighting for Middle Class Families in 2011
Our Values
• Virginia Democrats are dedicated to advancing our shared values of job creation, justice and equality of opportunity for every family.
• We believe that the middle class is the cultural and economic heart of our Commonwealth and that government should provide opportunities for every family to realize the American dream.
• We believe a healthy economy requires sustained long-term investments in education, job training, public safety and other institutions that give every person a fair shot at building a better life.
• We believe in efficient, effective government that puts results ahead of political dogma.
• Creating jobs means attracting new businesses to Virginia, but it also means investing in small businesses that are already here.
• It is our duty to provide a quality public education for every Virginia student that truly prepares him or her to compete and build the economy of the future.
• A safe and effective transportation infrastructure is essential to a thriving economy and a high quality of life. We support developing a sustainable and long-term approach to solving Virginia’s transportation crisis, that does not rob other key priorities of government.
• A clean environment and abundant natural resources are the common inheritance of man and a key economic advantage, and as such are to be protected from overuse, abuse or contamination.
• We oppose efforts to cut institutions such as education, social services and public safety, that create opportunity and help struggling families stay afloat during hard times.
Our Priorities
• Preserving and expanding Virginia’s majority in the state Senate is the top priority for Virginia Democrats in 2011. Senate Democrats are the only thing standing between Virginia families and a dangerous Republican agenda that will take our Commonwealth backward.
• Holding our members in the Virginia House of Delegates and vigorously challenging Republicans across the Commonwealth. House Democrats are fighting for our values everyday against a right-wing Republican majority that values Tea Party purity over the interests of working Virginia families.
• Winning Virginia for President Obama in 2012 and keeping Senator Jim Webb’s seat in Democratic hands.
• Continuing to stand up to Bob McDonnell, Ken Cuccinelli, Bill Bolling, Eric Cantor and the rest of the GOP leadership and oppose their efforts to cut investments that create jobs and offer opportunity to middle class families.
How We Get There
• Seek to recruit candidates in all 140 legislative races in 2011 and as many local and municipal races as possible.
• Empower our grassroots supporters to win elections in their own areas through superior organization and mobilization efforts.
• Get our message to every corner of the Commonwealth through traditional earned and paid media, as well as new and social media programs that empower supporters to get the Democratic message out to their own communities.
• Collect and share best practices from Democratic organizations across the state and promote continued innovation in everything we do.
• Cooperate with like-minded organizations to increase our impact and advance our cause of electing Democrats at every level of government.