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Virginia Congressional Redistricting

The Virginia General Assembly returns to Richmond on June 9-10 to draw Virginia’s new Congressional districts.  See Post article.   The House has passed a GOP/incumbent-protection plan that will likely maintain the Republican current 8-3 Congressional majority (which was a 6-5 Democratic majority prior to the 2010 election).  In so doing, it creates a 5th district that runs, snake-like, from the North Carolina boarder to the Loudon county line.  See Va DLS maps (click on District Type, choose Congressional).   The Senate P&E Committee has endorsed a much fairer plan that creates two CDs likely to elect African-American congressmen (3rd & 4th).   Getting some version of the Senate plan through the Assembly and signed by the Governor will be tough, but such a plan would much better represent the racial and political diversity of Virginia.

3 thoughts on “Virginia Congressional Redistricting”

  1. Doesn’t the new 10th help Frank Wolf? I think those two districts could be drawn to make them more competitive, but there doesn’t seem to be much interest in that.

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