Clearly the biggest news was the friday vote by the GOP Central Committee to reverse its decision of two years ago and hold a convention in 2013 instead of a primary (by a vote of 47-31). It doesn’t look like there was much news from the Convention itself – see this report. (This site also has some interesting reporting on the 11th CD GOP convention, here.) No indication that the Paul forces came out ahead, as they recently did in Iowa. The DPVA Central Committee (all 300 or so members, not just the Steering Committee), will vote on a primary or convention at our September 2012 meeting.
Y’all are doing this much more sensibly than we did. Bolling (whom I support for the GOP nomination) caused a self-inflicted wound on this, and energized his opponents, by trying to be too cute by half and foreclosing opposition by choosing the more expensive nomination process. The whole decision by an SCC which was to stand for election in the interim between the decision and the election was arguably ultra vires, and arguably justified reconsideration (though I think the reliance the candidates placed on that original decision should have foreclosed it). I have suggested to a number of GOP SCC members that our state party plan should be amended to forbid such ridiculously early decisionmaking.
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