May 20-21, 2010 (Fri-Sat): The DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee will meet in Washington DC to work on the 2012 National Convention Delegate Selection Plan. The RBC will consider the Change Commission recommendations (discussed in prior posts). One big issue is the primary calender – many states (except IA, NH, SC, and NV, but including VA) will likely be required to move their primary/caucus to after March 1 – how will we make this happen? Second big issue is what to do about automatic unpledged delegates (superdelegates) – will the RBC implement the recommendation that they continue, but as non-voting delegates? Stay tuned.
August 19-21, 2010 (Thur-Sat): The DNC Summer Meeting will convene at the St Louis Union Station-Marriott. Our first meeting since the Snowbama DC gathering will include meetings of standing committees, regional and party caucuses, and a general session.
The week of September 3, 2012 – The Democratic National Convention – As Governor Kaine stated, “our convention is a great chance to showcase our principles on a world stage, and continue our proud history of fighting for justice and equal opportunities and representing the interests of working Americans.” The question now is where? Charlotte has been seeking the bid, but Miami, San Diego and Virginia Beach have also been mentioned. (Actually, I mentioned Virginia Beach, but it’s always good to be mentioned.)
UPDATE: DemConWatch has news on convention sites – Dems looking at St. Louis; GOP at Tampa; Phoenix was interested in both, that’s not happening.