I was fortunate to attend the Democratic Party of Virginia disAbility Caucus luncheon this Saturday in Fairfax, which recognized the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the 30th Anniversary of the Virginians with Disabilities Act. It was an excellent and moving program featuring Congressman Connolly, a number of members of the General Assembly, party leaders, and leaders in the disability community. I am always so inspired by people like Cyliene Montgomery, Monica Wiley, Ed Turner, and Laura Kleiner and others – thank you all. Check out the pictures at the Caucus’ Facebook Page.
Arlington Delegate Patrick Hope spoke about how the voter ID requirements impact people with disabilities who may not have drivers licenses or passports. Of course there are a number of other steps we need to take to make voting more accessible for people with disabilities. The US Election Assistance Commission has a page of resources. I think that the DPVA Voter Protection Council can also advocate for voting accessibility issues. If you would like to help please sign up on our website – http://www.govoteva.com/ – also send me an email if you want to work on this issue.