The DNC leadership and staff puts a tremendous amount of work into our twice-annual DNC meetings, but we should consider restructuring the meetings to make them more worthwhile. Per our agenda, of the 30.5 total hours of meeting time over the 2 ½ day meeting, 16.5 hours were spent in various constituency group caucuses. We could reduce each of these meetings from 1.5 to 0.5 hours and use the additional time for workshops, forums, and presentations concerning, e.g.:
- Organizing for America – A lot of folks still don’t understand what OFA does or how it works with state parties – it is well past the time to address these issues.
- Outreach – having the constituency groups have their own meetings is great, but wouldn’t it be better if there was time for those groups to talk to others about issues important to their communities and how to involve those communities in Democratic campaigns?
- Delegate Selection Training – this was planned as part of the ASDC meeting, but understandably they didn’t get to it; a webinar is planned, but people could benefit from an in person presentation.
- Social Media – some other DNC members have blogs, but far too many DNC members are not even on Facebook. Recent events, e.g. President Obama’s election and the revolution in Egypt, demonstrate the value of social media in political organization. (Catherine Read has provided such training for the DPVA.)
- Redistricting – this is a critical issue for the next decade and we would like to know how the national party is approaching it.
- Issues – we will adopt a number of resolutions in the general session, but members might appreciagte more in-depth discussion and direction as to implementing actions.
- State best practices for organization, voter registration, GOTV, communications, fundraising, etc.
New DPVA Chair Brian Moran has set up a ad-hoc committee under Vice-Chair Gaylene Kanoyton to survey Virginia Central Ccommittee members and improve our meetings. The DNC should consider implementing changes as well.