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New DPVA Chair

Democratic Party of Virginia Chair Brian Moran announced yesterday that after two years of hard work building the party and helping to elect its candidates, he will resign as party chair, effective as of the DPVA’s December 8, 2012 Central Committee meeting.  Here is his statement.   The term of DPVA Central Committee members and officers (except for DNC members) ends in spring/summer 2013 with the election of new members.  Brian is stepping down early to facilitate the transition to new leadership in the critical 2013 Governor/Lt. Gov/AG election year.  Brian has worked hard, travelled much, and done a terrific job under very difficult conditions to move the party forward and has been an excellent chair.  I wish him all the best in his future ventures.  (As immediate past chair, he remains a member of the DPVA Steering Committee.)

Alexandria member of the House of Delegates Charniele Herring has announced that she will seek election to the Chair’s position.   Here is a letter that she sent out today.  Delegate Herring would be an exciting choice as the new DPVA Chair.

2 thoughts on “New DPVA Chair”

  1. Yep – running candidates for every congressional seat was the right path, and thanks to those folks willing to run and those who supported the candidates taking on that challenge. It’s harder for the House of Delegates, but we need to continue to work to find good candidates – I know DPVA is interested, so send good folks to them.

  2. Kudos to Brian for a marvelous job. Unfortunately, he is stepping down just as we enter the dangerous period.
    Four years ago, we were all riding high after the election of Obama and Warner. We were celebrating casting electoral votes for a Democratic president-elect for the first time in decades. We assumed not only that we would elect a Democratic state ticket but that we would have a good chance of capturing the House of Delegates too. We thought that history was on our side.
    Alas, while we were celebrating, the Republicans were working on reversing their defeat and they whipped our collective butts in three straight elections. Why, because we have forgotten what it means to be a political party. The goal of a political party must be to govern. It does so by recruiting the best possible candidates (not just waiting for them to run), by organizing on a year round basis so that when candidates step forward the party has the existing mechnism to help them to get elected, and by year-round fund raising so it has money to help candidates get elected. If an organization is unable to choose and elect candidates, it is not a political party.

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