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Keep Tom Perriello our Congressman

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I suppose that people smarter than me knew that Tom Perriello would beat Virgil Goode in the 5th Congressional District, but for me it was the most inspiring upset of the night.  I recall Virgil as a reasonable Democrat, including when he nominated Doug Wilder for Governor at the 1989 state convention, but as he slid further to the right, embraced the Republican Party, and adopted a lot of hateful views, it was certainly time for him to go.  Tom Perriello is a great leader and ran a terrific campaign.  The 5th now has a Congressman of which it can be proud.

But the election isn’t completely over yet.  Goode, as is his right, has asked for a recount, and as we all know that means lawyers and legal fees.  Please join me in contributing to Congressman Perriello’s recount fund.

UPDATE:  December 17:  Tom Won!  Congratulations to Congressman Periello and the people of the 5th District he represents.