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Gov. Kaine Nominates DNC At Large, Committee Members

I am extremely honored and excited to have been nominated by Governor Kaine to serve on the DNC Credentials Committee.   Governor Kaine has also nominated 75 At Large DNC members, including Virginians Alexis Herman, Susan Swecker, and Alfonso Lopez.  Doris-Crouse Mays, one of Virginia’s National Committeewoman, was chosen at one of nine at large members of the DNC Executive Committee.   Our other National Committeewoman, Mame Riley,will continue to serve on the 30-member DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee, which will continue to be chaired by Alexis Herman and James Roosevelt Jr.  (MA).   The Credentials Committee will be chaired by our own Susan Swecker and Everett Ward (NC) and Alfonso Lopez will also serve on that 30-member Committee.  Gov. Kaine also nominated the nine members of the DNC Budget and Finance Committee, chaired by Luchelle Stevens (MN) and Kerman Maddox (CA), and the 30 members of the DNC Resolutions Committee, chaired by Maria Eschaveste (CA) and Jim Zogby (DC).  All nominees will be voted on at this Friday’s DNC meeting in Austin (Sept. 11).  I’ll be providing updates on the meeting, which starts on Thursday, on this site.