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DPVA Weekly Top 5 for June 21, 2011

  • The Obama campaign gears up for 2012
    We’ve got critically important legislative races this year, but it is great to see that President Obama’s re-election campaign is already getting ready to win Virginia again next year. To read more about the President’s re-election bid in Virginia, click here.
  • Allen was against ethanol before he was for it before he was against it Senate candidate George Allen has never met a poll-driven position he couldn’t find a way to take, even if he held the exact opposition position not too long ago. This time he’s jumped on the “cut ethanol subsidies” bandwagon, despite having supported them when he was President, and opposed them before that.  To read more about George Allen’s “flip, flop, flip,” on ethanol, click here.
  • Connolly stands up to Republican censorship
    Rep. Gerry Connolly took to the House floor last week to decry Republican attempts to censor Democratic franked mail pieces that accurately describe Paul Ryan’s budget plan as a proposal to end Medicare as we know it.  To read more about Rep. Connolly’s fight against Republican censorship click here.
  • Jamie Radtke calls the 2012 Republican primary a ‘referendum’ on the party’s soul
    The Republican primary for the 2012 Senate race is heating up as Jamie Radtke continues to make the case that George Allen isn’t nearly right-wing enough for today’s Republican party. Unfortunately, she forgets that George Allen is not particularly fixed to any particular ideological position and can easily get more or less conservative if the need arises. To read more about Jamie Radtke’s uphill climb against George Allen click here.
  • Cuccinelli advises churches on legal ways to campaign
    Some Virginians somewhere (probably not on this mailing list) may have thought when they voted for Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli that they were choosing a new state lawyer to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves, keep the public safe and in general work diligently on behalf of his client, the people of Virginia. One wonders how they feel about him traveling around to religious conferences offering legal instructions to churches on how they can influence elections without threatening their nonprofit tax status. To read more about Ken Cuccinelli’s political playbook for churches, click here.