The Democratic Party of Virginia will hold its quarterly meetings in Charlotesville – Steering Committee will meet at 7:30 on friday night, June 11 and Central Committee will meet at 10:00 am, saturday June 12. The meetings will be held at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business’ Sponsors Hospitality Center in Charlottesville. The Democratic Black Caucus will also be holding its Juneteenth Luncheon at 12:30 on Saturday, June 12.
The party meetings will consider the report of the strategic plan committee and a committee that is examining representation on the steering committee. We will also hold special elections for the positions of Vice Chair for Organization (First Vice Chair) and Vice Chair for Finance. The First Vice Chair position is a very important office that involves helping local Democratic Committees recruit, organize, and implement campaign activities, and training is a critical part of that portfolio. The First Vice Chair also presides at meetings in the absence of the Chair and can serve as acting chair. Under DNC rules, the State Party Chair and highest ranking officer of opposite gender serve on the DNC, so is the new First Vice Chair is female, she would get a DNC seat (so long as the Chair is male).
We have two sharp, energetic, hardworking, activist candidates from Tidewater – Gaylene Kanoyton and Susan Mariner — check out their Facebook pages. I understand that John Bowerbank is seeking the Finance job and that would be great. [Note: I am supporting Gaylene.]