The next step in Virginia’s National Convention Delegate Selection process is our state convention, which will be held in Richmond on June 18 at the Richmond Convention Center. This is a great event for all Virginia Democrats to attend – as elected delegates/alternates, as guests, or as volunteers. It provides you with an opportunity to support your candidate, meet with Democrats from across the Commonwealth, and help build our party. I hope to see you there!
- The DPVA recently posted a convention FAQ document with a lot of useful information – see it here.
- The Convention will elect National Convention Delegates – 14 Clinton and 7 Sanders At-Large Delegates, 8 Clinton and 4 Sanders Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official Delegates, and 1 Clinton and 1 Sanders At-Large Alternates. Here’s the total National Convention Delegate/Alternate breakdown.
- The Convention will also elect five Democratic National Committee members. We are currently represented by four members – Doris Crouse-Mays, Sandra Brandt, Mayor George Wallace, and me (Frank Leone). George is not running for reelection, but the other three of us are, as are Del. Lionell Spruill, Atima Omara, Steve Cochran, Yasmine Taub, and Matt Bell.
- We will also elect two Electors.
- We will also hear from many of our elected officials, rising stars, and grassroots activists.
- The order of business as set out in the draft rules is set out below, but we will have over 2,000 delegates and alternates and to make sure this process runs smoothly, we encourage folks to show up early – registration will open at 7:45 am.
- The biggest DPVA event of the year (the convention) coincides with our biggest fundraiser of the year – please join us for the JJ Dinner that Saturday night – Get your ticket here.
- For updates check the DPVA’s 2016 State Convention page.
Here’s the Tentative Agenda (likely to have some changes):
Saturday, June 18, 2016, 10:00 a.m. – Convention Opens
1. Call to Order
2. Announcement of Temporary Officers
3. Opening Ceremonies:
a. Posting of Colors
b. Pledge of Allegiance
c. National Anthem
4. Initial Roll Call
5. Elections of Standing Committees
6. Appointment of Standing Committee Conveners
7. Welcoming Address
8. Introductions/Announcements
9. Keynote Address
10. Credentials Committee Report
11. Second Roll Call (if necessary)
12. Rules Committee Report
13. Election of Permanent Officers
14. Election of Presidential Electors
15. Resolutions Committee Report
16. Election of National Committee Members
17. Election of National Convention Delegates and Alternates
18. Dignitary Comments to the Convention
19. Adjournment
Wishing you luck from Michigan!
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