The governing body of the Democratic Party of Virginia is its State Central Committee. The Central Committee is composed of 24 members elected from each of 11 Congressional Districts; the State Party Chair and other State Party officers; leaders of the the Young Democrats, Black Caucus, Women’s Caucus and other caucuses and constituency groups; and certain elected officials and DNC members. The members of the Central Committee elected at the CD level and the party officers serve four year terms. Under the State Party Plan, which provides the rules for this process, the Central Committee members and officers are elected in the Governor’s election year (except the four DNC members who are elected during the presidential year, pursuant to the DNC Charter).
So it’s that time again! Each of the 11 CDs will hold a district convention in May that will elect 20 members from that CD. Each Congressional District Committee will then elect three city/county committee representatives and one General Assembly member. The new Central Committee will then meet on June 29, 2013 to elect the State Party Chair and other officers.
There are some variations among the Congressional Districts as to how the elections work, but all processes are open to all Virginia Democrats. Most CDs use a two step process in which cities and counties hold caucuses that elect delegates and alternates to a District Convention that is held several weeks later. The 8th and 10th CDs use processes where the caucuses are held the same day as the District Conventions (May 18). DPVA has provided this site showing when and where the District Conventions are happening. Eight of the nine remaining CDs have Conventions on May 18. For those Congressional Districts, the city or county caucuses must be on April 27 or April 29. The 9th Congressional District is having its Convention on May 25, which means that city or county caucuses must be held either May 4 or May 6. The delegates to the CD Conventions will then elect the Central Committee. The DPVA site also includes each CD’s Call to Convention, which sets forth the process for the election of convention delegates and Central Committee members – including prefiling deadlines. The Central Committee membership must be equally divided by gender and committees are encouraged to reflect the diversity of the Commonwealth. Most CDs also allocate the Central Committee seats among the jurisdictions that make up the Congressional District.
The CD Conventions will also hear speakers (including some of our statewide candidates) and some will adopt resolutions and may conduct other party business. I urge all Virginia Democrats to participate in the process. See you there!
UPDATE: The June Central Committee Meeting will be held on June 29, in Richmond, in connection with this year’s Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner.