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DPVA Quarterly Meeting (June 3-4) Update

DPVA has provided the following information to Central Committee members and City and County Chairs regarding its upcoming quarterly meetings.  We are dedicating the meetings to our recently departed, long-term Vice Chair Ray Colley, and it is especially appropriate that we are meeting in Ray’s native Fightin’ Ninth Congressional District. 

The next quarterly meetings of the Democratic Party of Virginia will be held on June 3- 4 in Blacksburg. The Steering and Central Committee meetings will be held in the Inn at Virginia Tech. The hotel and conference center is conveniently located right next to the beautiful Virginia Tech campus. You can now view and download materials for the meeting at   This meeting will be especially exciting because we are trying out a new format. When Chairman Moran took over, he requested that we send out a survey to see what central committee members liked and disliked about the meetings themselves. We heard you loud and clear and in order to produce a more productive and conference-like atmosphere, we’ve revamped the weekend schedule. We are featuring more trainings, breakout sessions, and moving the general assembly and vice chair reports to their own sessions. I am really excited about this and hope you enjoy the new format.  Below is the new schedule for the Blacksburg meetings. 

Friday, June 3
7:30 pm   Steering Committee Meeting (Latham B)
9:30 pm   Welcome Reception, Bull and Bones Brewhaus and Grill, a microbrewery at First and Main Center, 1470 South Main Street in Blacksburg
Saturday, June 4
8:30 am – 9:45 am VA Association Democratic Chairs (Latham ABC); 9th CD Meeting (Solitude Room); 3rd CD Meeting (Cascades Room); 1st CD Meeting (Drillfield Room); 5th CD Meeting (Smithfield Room)
10:00 am -11:15 am  Central Committee Meeting (Latham ABC); with Veterans and Military Families Caucus meeting immediately following
11:30 am – 1:00 pm  Democratic Black Caucus of Virginia Luncheon (Latham DFE)
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm  General Assembly Panel  (Solitude Room); Vice Chairs Roundtable (Cascades Room); YD Meeting (Drillfield Room); VAN Training (Smithfield Room)
2:45 pm – 4:00 pm  Staff office hours (Solitude Room);  DPVA 2011 Message Briefing (Cascades Room)