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DPVA Meetings – March 3 & 4

From the National to the State level, the Democratic Party of Virginia will meet this weekend in Richmond.  Issues will include the 2017 statewide office and House of Delegates elections and state committee reorganization.  The DPVA Steering Committee Meeting is Friday March 3 at 7:30 PM at the SunTrust Building Piedmont Room (Fourth Floor), 919 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219.  The Meeting of the DPVA Central Committee is Saturday March 4th 9:30 AM at the same location.

March 4, Saturday evening at 6 pm, DPVA will host a “We the People” event with special guests Congressman Donald McEachin & Khizr Khan at the Black History Museum and Cultural Center, 122 W Leigh Street, Richmond, VA. Details here. Please join us for some or all of these events.