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DPVA #JJVA14 Weekend Is Here

This weekend features the Democratic Party of Virginia’s annual Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, with Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) as the keynote speaker.  Also lots of meetings.  and perhaps some beverages.  Meeting agendas will include campaign planning, local organizing, voter registration and photo ID issues, and a resolution honoring Mame Reiley.  Here’s the basic schedule:

Friday June 20th
• Steering Committee:  7:30PM-9PM
• VAYDs Welcome Reception:  8:00PM-11:00PM
• Location:  Richmond Marriott, 500 E. Broad St. Richmond, VA  23219 

Saturday, June 21st
• 7th Congressional District Breakfast: 8AM-9:30AM
• VA Association of Democratic Chairs Meeting: 9AM
• Central Committee: 10AM-Noon
• DPVA Grassroots Awards Luncheon: 12:30PM-2:00PM
• Break-out meetings upon completion of Grassroots Awards Luncheon
• Jefferson-Jackson Dinner: 6:30PM
• Location:  Richmond Marriott

Hope to see you there.  Follow me @demrulz (twitter feed on this blog) for updates.