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DPVA Action

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Every year around this time, DemRulz sets forth ideas for Democratic Party of Virginia actions for the coming year.  See 2009, 2010, 2011.  This year a number of Democrats have also posted ideas at Blue Virginia.  Accomplishing the DPVA’s primary mission in 2012 – helping President Obama again carry Virginia, electing Tim Kaine to the US Senate, and electing Democratic members of Congress – poses challenges, but presents great opportunities.  Here are some thoughts:

1. Improve DPVA communications about the role and function of the DPVA, and its State Central and party committees.  State Party has a Facebook page, but the Central Committee does not, and there is no good way for Central Committee members to communicate among themselves or let others communicate with them.  The 8th District Committee has a good website and listserve, but we can do a lot more, including greater use of web-based communications, to educate, energize, and organize.

2. Reevaluate the Strategic Plan and review our progress.  The Steering Committee in 2010 adopted a Strategic Plan and released a summary, below.  I thought the entire Plan should be have been released at that time, but at this point it makes more sense to update it and then release the updated Plan.  Obviously we need to do a better job with messaging, candidate recruitment, fundraising, and strengthening local committees.  At our upcoming December 3 Central Committee meeting, we will discuss these issues.  As always, these meetings are open.

3. Put regional organizers back in the field.  DNC funded these positions prior to 2009 and they provided invaluable assistance to local committees and candidates.  Field organizers should be a priority for funding in 2012 and I understand that the DNC is increasing support that can be used for these efforts.

4. Activate the Central Committee.  Over the past year, State Party has started to adopt a more interactive meeting approach – this is a good start.  We have state-wide affirmative action and resolutions committees and a statewide lawyer network, but we could set up additional committees (which could include non-central committee members) to focus on activities like voter registration, technology, candidate recruitment, campaign organization, and finance.

5. We need continuing renewal of the city and county committees who are the leaders in voter registration, candidate recruitment, and GOTV.  The Virginia Association Democratic Chairs, an important part of the Central Committee, serves this role.  Local Committees are reorganizing (electing new members and officers) in December 2011 or January 2012 and this effort provides a good opportunity for outreach and renewed leadership.

6. More outreach.  The DPVA has the Young Democrats, College Democrats, and women’s, black, Latino, GLBT, and veterans caucuses, but we need to highlight both the local and statewide commitment to including and involving all Democrats in our organization.

7. Have the best State Convention ever.  The 2012 convention will be held in Northern Virginia for the first time – we have an opportunity to obtain national speakers as well as do the convention’s business.  The State Party Chair should appoint an Arrangements Committee of experienced Democrats to work with party staff in planning and executing this effort.  We should establish volunteer committees to work on various aspects of the convention.  And we should incorporate the 2011 Summit activities in the Convention for this year (to return to Richmond in the summer of 2013).  The Party doesn’t have the resources to put on two major events in two months and organize for the fall elections.  The convention will have 2000+ delegates and although its business (election of national convention delegates, DNC members (!), statewide elector and consideration of resolutions) is important, there is plenty of opportunity for presentations, workshops, and other programs that can involve all interested Democrats. 

  DM_Central-_SPC_Memo.pdf (89.9 KiB, 1,420 hits)

1 thought on “DPVA Action”

  1. Thank you Frank
    I think one of the areas where we can improve is in the caucus committees. As you stated above, there are many special focused committees on the Steering and Central committee with voting previledges. However, you rarely hear of what these caucus are focused on and quite frankly there appears to be no central plan integrating the various caucas into a conhesive body. When was the last time we heard anything from the Women’s caucas – outside of the quarterly breakfast?

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