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#DNC2015 – Democratic Victory Task Force

After the unpleasant 2014 election results, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz appointed a Democratic Victory Task Force, chaired by Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear, to identify the DNC’s priorities in strengthening the party and winning elections. The Task Force submitted a Preliminary Report at the meeting. See Report and Gov. Beshear’s speech below. DPVA will convene some sort of public comment process soon. The Task Force will then issue a full report in June with a working session at the DNC Summer Meeting in August in Minneapolis, MN.

I think the report identifies some appropriate goals including crafting a value based narrative (message), strengthening state and local Democratic parties, protecting and expanding the vote, electing state legislators and members of congress, and recruiting candidates. The Committee will also consider voter education and mobilization, party accessibility, digital communications, and broadening voter coalitions.

Although it doesn’t use the term “50-state strategy,” clearly the plan anticipates continuing that program of strengthening all state Democratic Parties. I also appreciate the commitment to voter protection and expansion and I hope that DPVA will set up a new Democratic Voter Protection Council at its next meeting and work with the DNC to achieve these goals.

Here is some commentary on the Report.  What do you think?

  DNC VTF Prelim Report (757.7 KiB, 962 hits)

  DNC Gov Beshear's Speech (233.7 KiB, 920 hits)