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DNC Unity Reform Commission to Meet June 2-3

The 2016 Democratic National Convention passed a resolution directing the creation of  DNC Unity Reform Commission to make recommendations concerning the party’s presidential nominating process.  See post on Commission Membership and post on 2016 creation of Commission.  The URC held its first meeting in DC on May 5-6, 2017.  I plan to attend this weekend’s meeting in San Antonio and will post an agenda when I get it.  Here are the details on the Second Meeting and schedule for upcoming meetings

When: Friday, June 2 – Saturday, June 3
Time: Friday – 2-6pm
Saturday – 9:30am – 1pm
Where: Grand Hyatt San Antonio
600 E Market St, San Antonio, TX 78205

August 25-26 Chicago, IL (W Chicago)
October 18-21 Las Vegas, NV (in conjunction with DNC meeting)