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DNC to Vote on 2020 Convention Call and Delegate Selection Plan

The DNC has issued its draft 2020 National Convention Call, Delegate Selection Plan, and relevant Charter Amendments.  The full DNC will vote on these documents at our August 25 DNC meeting in Chicago.  I will post a comment on these shortly, but I think that the proposals embody a great set of reforms.  They address the “superdelegate” issue by providing that  automatic, unpledged delegates retain all their privileges, except they can’t vote for president on the first ballot if their votes could overturn the choice of primary voters.  I think it’s a good solution and will enable the party to move forward, addressing the critical 2018 midterms, (Virginia’s 2019 legislative races), and the 2020 presidential election.  More to come.

  2020 RBC Delegate Selection Letter (263.5 KiB, 6,942 hits)

  2020 DNC Convention Call (draft) (2.0 MiB, 6,913 hits)

  2020 DNC Delegate Selection Rules (draft) (491.3 KiB, 7,002 hits)

  2020 August DNC Charter amendments (proposed) (173.6 KiB, 6,983 hits)


2 thoughts on “DNC to Vote on 2020 Convention Call and Delegate Selection Plan”

  1. We can’t end caucuses, because if a state’s law doesn’t provide for a primary, the party has to have some sort of process. The new rules, however, are intended to make caucuses more democratic, accessible, and transparent.

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