As we reported, the 2008 Democratic National Convention adopted a resolution to establish a DNC Change Commission to evaluate party rules. See Convention resolution, Commission membership. The Commission will hold its first meeting on June 27 in DC, and issue its final report by year end 2009. The DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee will consider the report, as well as other proposals on all 21 DNC Delegate Selection Rules, and adopt final rules by the fall of 2010. (State Parties will then submit Delegate Selection Plan in 2011.)
The Commission will focus on timing, super delegates, and caucuses. Specifically, it will try to bring about a later start to the 2012 delegate selection process, with most primaries and caucuses being held in no earlier than March. It will reduce the influence of uncommitted super delegates. It will adopt new criteria for caucuses – currently 21 states have caucuses and have aproximately21 different processes.
As DNC Rules Guy Phil McNamara reported to the DNC Executive Committee, we will make efforts to work with the RNC, particularly on scheduling issues. Typically, the GOP locks in its rules at its national convention, but in 2008 the GOP convention allowed the RNC some flexibility.
We will report as the process continues. For additional information, see the DNC Change Commission page.