The DNC Rules and Bylaws will meet on January 19-20, 2018 to begin consideration of the recommendations of the Unity Reform Commission (below) and conduct other business. The meeting will start at 10:30 am on Friday morning and proceed all day. On Saturday, the meeting will start at 9:30 am and adjourn in the afternoon. It will be at the Embassy Suites Convention Center located at 900 10th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001. (On a personal note, I am really thrilled to be able to attend the meeting as a member for the first time.) See you there!
Unity Reform Commission Report (2017) (125.1 KiB, 6,358 hits)
UPDATE: The RBC met and considered the URC report and discussed it with the URC Chairs and Commission members. It will start to take actions on the recommendations at the next meeting, likely in February, certainly in March, 2018.
No – that was 2017 – the next meeting is in washington DC March 8-10, most sessions are open to the public. I will post on it in a moment.
Mr. Leone — My understanding is that the next DNC meeting is 2/23 in Atlanta. Is that correct? If so, are these meetings open to the public?
There was extensive discussion, including with the URC Chairs, but no action taken at this meeting. We will meet again, most likely in February to take the next steps. thanks
Thanks – I believe it was video’d and I will look into having it posted. The URC meeting videos were posted.
What was committee decision on recommended changes from Unity and Reform Committee?
Hi Frank,
The Rules & Bylaws Committee meetings are public. Can you point us to a livestream or video recording that will be online? There is keen interest in the Unity Reform Commission recommendations, and many Democratic Party members and elected representatives who cannot travel to DC to attend the meeting. If you can do anything to get the meeting video shared online, that would be a great step in demonstrating how the New DNC is operating. Thanks!
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