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DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee – May Meeting Final Report

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The DNC RBC completed its meeting today.  Below are attached the draft rules discussed yesterday and today.  I will post some thoughts shortly. 

  RBC_Draft.pdf (2.0 MiB, 1,290 hits)

The RBC continued to review the draft rules as follows:

Rule 12 – Presidential Preference – signing pledge of support to presidential candidate for delegates and alternates; candidate right of review process.  Delegates in good conscience should reflect the preferences of the people who elected them.  No change from 2008.  Adopted

Rule 13 – Fair Reflection of Presidential Preference – provides for proportional allocation, 15% threshold.  No changes, adopted.

Rule 14 – Petition requirements and Filing Deadlines – sets deadlines, requirements for filing fees and number of required signatures (5,000) for presidential candidates and delegates.  No changes from 2008.  May require waiver for pre-window states.  Adopted.

Rule 15 – Quorum Requirements – No change, adopted.

Rule 16 – Proxy Voting  – allows it in limited circumstances.  Amended to address directions in proxies.

Rule 17 – Unit Rule and Slate-Making – Allows formation of slates, can’t be favored.

Rule 18 – Alternates and Vacancies – terms may be changed if rules are changed to provide for more delegates, no alternates.  Adopted, except section E, to be considered in July.

Rule 19 – DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee – sets out RBC role in approving, implementing delegate selection plans.

Rule 20 – Challenges – to be considered in July.

Rule 21 – State Legislative Changes – to be considered in July