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DNC RBC Meeting (8/19/2010) – part 2 – Delegate Selection Rules

Final discussion and vote on Delegate Selection Rules

Rule 20 & 21– A Florida representative complained that the rules don’t provide clear guidance and objective standards re “provable positive steps” needed to obtain a waiver of DNC Rules, including those regarding calendar.    The proposed new language to para 20(c)(7) changing requirement to three steps, not all five.  Rule 20(b) sets forth steps:  Drafting of corrective legislation, endorsement of legislation by state party, education of public, active support, and encouraging consideration of legislation.  This proposal would make it easier to argue for a waiver, but does not make the process any more “objective.”   The proposal would not apply to only Florida, but perhaps make it easier for any state to cut in front of the line and reject the calender we are about to approve.  This is a bad idea, introduced late, which the RBC properly rejected (after too much discussion).  After the 2012 election, the RBC will revisit calendar issues (appropropriately so).

The RBC unanimously voted to adopt the rules.   Note that the DNC staff is evaluating Cleveland, Charlotte, Minneapolis, and St. Louis as the site for the 2012 convention.    I will be posting on tomorrow’s final vote, other DNC activities, and some interesting things about St. Louis.  The RBC will next meet to draft the regulations for the Delegate Selection Rules – these must be adopted by the end of the year and transmitted to state parties, so they can begin drafting the state delegate selection plans.

2 thoughts on “DNC RBC Meeting (8/19/2010) – part 2 – Delegate Selection Rules”

  1. St. Louis was fun, Cleveland would be too, Minneapolis might be cooler, and Charlotte is close to Virginia – I would be happy to see the President renominated in any of those cities.

  2. Minneapolis might be a little “in your face” if the GOP nominates Pawlenty. Don’t know much about Charlotte or St. Louis as convention destinations. Ah, Cleveland. Home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I know where I would want to spend a week “conventioning”.

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